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We produce quality, simple and understandable content that will benefit the newcomers to the industry, thus increasing the followers of the Koin Bülteni.
We started to produce both organic and sponsored content by making news of new products and applications launched by crypto currency and ICOs.
Cryptocurrency investors began to follow the social media and the news channels which only focusing on this sector rather than taking a look at big news organizations.
Who Are We?
Koin Bülteni which started broadcasting life in 2017 is an innovative sharing platform that analyzes and provides information on Bitcoin, Ethereum, other alternative crypto currencies and blockchain technologies in Turkey and around the World.
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What Has Changed?
- Turkey is one of the hotspots for the cryptocurrency industry.
- Large social media and search engines banned crypto-money ads due to various prohibitions.
- Turkey came in 3rd place in the world to use AdBlock. (Source: Digital News Report / 2016)
- Content Marketing is ahead of AdBlock and has a more positive impact on the investor.
- Investors turned to easy-to-understand, high-quality and up-to-date news sites. So the Koin Bülteni grew and grew.
Why Turkey Is Important?
According to a report published by ING, Turkey is the biggest country around the Europe in terms of cryptocurrency knowledge and ownership. (Source)
- – No License for PayPal in Turkey, 45% Say Bitcoin ‘The Future’ (Source)
- – Turkey Is Not Gonna Go Cold Turkey on Bitcoin (Source)
Also, according to recent research conducted by BtcTurk and Istanbul University, 9 percent of Turkish citizens have an ‘advanced’ knowledge about Bitcoin and using it frequently. (Source: Koin Bülteni )
Types Of Advertising Methods We Offer
Press Release
Press Release is the effective and easy way of describe yourself to readers. You can inform your readers about developments, achievements and partnerships of your company via Press Release. Press Release has additional services.
Sponsored Tests
Would you like to introduce your company in a different way to readers? As a different way of introducing your company image and product, you can use Sponsored Tests.
It is the most common, easy and convenient way to make your brand visible and increase its awareness. The banners in the Koin Bülteni are available in different sizes in different locations of the home page, content, and category pages.
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Review By “Koin Bülteni”
Experienced and reliable editors of Koin Bülteni will introduce your exchange or coin to readers with an understandable way by analysing your product.
Video Production
You can tell users by showing the features and usage of your exchange. You can also create a special video series to create a viral effect.
Sponsored Price Technical Analyse
Analyst of Koin Bülteni investigates your coin and perform technical analyses or examines the coins you want to introduce your exchange.
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